Religious Institutions in Cheltenham

Here are 10 religious institutions in Cheltenham with address and telephone number:

1. St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church

St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church is a Roman Catholic church located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 523737. Address: St. Gregory's Church, Cheltenham GL50 3PR.

2. Cheltenham Baptist Church

Cheltenham Baptist Church is a Baptist church located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 234788. Address: Sherborne Place, Cheltenham GL52 2RS.

3. St. Luke's Church

St. Luke's Church is an Anglican church located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 244373. Address: St Luke's Rd, Cheltenham GL53 7HP.

4. St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church is an Anglican church located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 602207. Address: St. Mary's Church, Cheltenham GL50 3HA.

5. Cheltenham Elim Church

Cheltenham Elim Church is an Elim Pentecostal church located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 241221. Address: Sherborne Place, Cheltenham GL52 2RS.

6. Cheltenham Christian Fellowship

Cheltenham Christian Fellowship is a Christian church located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 244007. Address: St. George's Road, Cheltenham GL50 3DZ.

7. The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a Christian church located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 520186. Address: The Citadel, 162-164 High St, Cheltenham GL50 1DU.

8. Cheltenham Quaker Meeting

Cheltenham Quaker Meeting is a Quaker meeting house located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 573394. Address: Warwick Place, Cheltenham GL52 2NP.

9. Cheltenham Synagogue

Cheltenham Synagogue is a Jewish synagogue located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 244039. Address: Synagogue Lane, Cheltenham GL50 3PU.

10. Cheltenham Mosque and Islamic Society

Cheltenham Mosque and Islamic Society is a mosque located in Cheltenham. Telephone number: 01242 527275. Address: 31 Gloucester Pl, Cheltenham GL52 2RJ.

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